XanaNews is a powerful and multi-threaded newsreader that fully supports all Usenet text and binary newsgroups. But, what are Newsgroups? They are places on the Internet where people can post messages about particular topics that interest them. Anyone who has access to the newsgroup can read the message, and anyone can post a reply. XanaNews allows you to read these messages and post replies; both to the main USENET newsgroups and also to other Private newsgroups.
When you want to subscribe to a newsgroup XanaNews start to download and read the messages in that group. Once you subscribe to a group, it appears in the Subscribed groups tree. You can select the group there and download new messages and display already downloaded messages.
XanaNews allows you to connect to as many individual news servers as you like. Usually your Internet Service Provider provides you a news server to connect to as part of your package. in addition there are hundreds of free and commercial news servers available on the Internet. Some of these servers contain a small number of targeted, private newsgroups. Others contain tens of thousands of groups.